Quality control queries: Difference between revisions

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(A list of SPARQL queries that can be used to hone in on data that is ready to be cleaned up or enhanced.)
(16 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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QC Sparql Time
== Missing "edition of" statements ==
Get a list of editions that lack an "edition of" statement:
# Editions without Edition of statement.
SELECT ?edition ?editionLabel
    ?edition wdt:P8 wd:Q7 .
    MINUS { ?edition wdt:P13 [] } .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
ORDER BY ?editionLabel
== Missing instance statements ==
Get a list of Item pages that lack an "instance of" declaration:
# Return all items that are missing an "instance of" statement
prefix wbb: <http://wikiba.se/ontology-beta#>
prefix wb: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
SELECT ?label ?link
?item rdf:type ?wbitem ;
      rdfs:label ?label .   
FILTER(?wbitem in (wbb:Item, wb:Item))
FILTER((LANG(?label)) = "en")
FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?item wdt:P8 ?type }
BIND(IRI(CONCAT('', REPLACE( str(?item) , 'http://wikibase.svc/entity/', '' ))) AS ?link )
order by ?label
[ Try it out!]
== Places without a Wikidata identifier (also check if they are really places) ==
# Return all places that lack a Wikidata identifier.
SELECT ?label ?link
?item wdt:P8 wd:Q10 ; rdfs:label ?label .
FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?item wdt:P107 ?id } .
BIND(IRI(CONCAT('', REPLACE( str(?item) , 'http://wikibase.svc/entity/', '' ))) AS ?link )
order by ?label
[ Try it out!]
== Checking in on the Andrews List editions ==
# list of editions associated with the Andrews bibliography
(group_concat(distinct ?publisherLabel;separator='; ') as ?publishers)
(group_concat(distinct ?pubPlaceLabel;separator='; ') as ?publishedPlaces)
(group_concat(distinct ?pubDate;separator='; ') as ?publishedDates)
(group_concat(distinct ?printerLabel;separator='; ') as ?printers)
(group_concat(distinct ?printPlaceLabel;separator='; ') as ?printedPlaces)
(group_concat(distinct ?printDate;separator='; ') as ?printedDates)
?edition wdt:P121 wd:Q1176 ; #wd:Q1176 is the Andrews bibliography
          rdfs:label ?editionLabel .
  OPTIONAL {?edition wdt:P29 ?publisher . ?publisher rdfs:label ?publisherLabel }.
  OPTIONAL {?edition ?has ?pubStmt . ?pubStmt ps:P29 ?publisher ; pq:P30 ?pubPlace . ?pubPlace rdfs:label ?pubPlaceLabel }.
  OPTIONAL {?edition ?has ?pubStmt . ?pubStmt ps:P29 ?publisher ; pq:P31 ?pubDate }.
  OPTIONAL {?edition wdt:P32 ?printer . ?printer rdfs:label ?printerLabel }.
  OPTIONAL {?edition ?has ?printStmt . ?printStmt ps:P32 ?printer ; pq:P30 ?printPlace . ?printPlace rdfs:label ?printPlaceLabel }.
  OPTIONAL {?edition ?has ?printStmt . ?printStmt ps:P32 ?printer ; pq:P31 ?printDate }.
  BIND(IRI(CONCAT('', REPLACE( str(?edition) , 'http://wikibase.svc/entity/', '' ))) AS ?link )
group by ?editionLabel ?link
[ Try it out!]

Latest revision as of 14:15, 20 October 2023

Missing "edition of" statements

Get a list of editions that lack an "edition of" statement:

# Editions without Edition of statement.
SELECT ?edition ?editionLabel
    ?edition wdt:P8 wd:Q7 .
    MINUS { ?edition wdt:P13 [] } .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
ORDER BY ?editionLabel

Missing instance statements

Get a list of Item pages that lack an "instance of" declaration:

# Return all items that are missing an "instance of" statement
prefix wbb: <http://wikiba.se/ontology-beta#> 
prefix wb: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#> 

SELECT ?label ?link
 ?item rdf:type ?wbitem ;
       rdfs:label ?label .    
 FILTER(?wbitem in (wbb:Item, wb:Item))
 FILTER((LANG(?label)) = "en")
 FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?item wdt:P8 ?type }
 BIND(IRI(CONCAT('', REPLACE( str(?item) , 'http://wikibase.svc/entity/', '' ))) AS ?link )
order by ?label

Try it out!

Places without a Wikidata identifier (also check if they are really places)

# Return all places that lack a Wikidata identifier. 
SELECT ?label ?link
 ?item wdt:P8 wd:Q10 ; rdfs:label ?label .
 FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?item wdt:P107 ?id } .
 BIND(IRI(CONCAT('', REPLACE( str(?item) , 'http://wikibase.svc/entity/', '' ))) AS ?link )
order by ?label

Try it out!

Checking in on the Andrews List editions

# list of editions associated with the Andrews bibliography
(group_concat(distinct ?publisherLabel;separator='; ') as ?publishers) 
(group_concat(distinct ?pubPlaceLabel;separator='; ') as ?publishedPlaces)
(group_concat(distinct ?pubDate;separator='; ') as ?publishedDates)

(group_concat(distinct ?printerLabel;separator='; ') as ?printers) 
(group_concat(distinct ?printPlaceLabel;separator='; ') as ?printedPlaces)
(group_concat(distinct ?printDate;separator='; ') as ?printedDates)

 ?edition wdt:P121 wd:Q1176 ; #wd:Q1176 is the Andrews bibliography
          rdfs:label ?editionLabel .
  OPTIONAL {?edition wdt:P29 ?publisher . ?publisher rdfs:label ?publisherLabel }.
  OPTIONAL {?edition ?has ?pubStmt . ?pubStmt ps:P29 ?publisher ; pq:P30 ?pubPlace . ?pubPlace rdfs:label ?pubPlaceLabel }.
  OPTIONAL {?edition ?has ?pubStmt . ?pubStmt ps:P29 ?publisher ; pq:P31 ?pubDate }.
  OPTIONAL {?edition wdt:P32 ?printer . ?printer rdfs:label ?printerLabel }.
  OPTIONAL {?edition ?has ?printStmt . ?printStmt ps:P32 ?printer ; pq:P30 ?printPlace . ?printPlace rdfs:label ?printPlaceLabel }.
  OPTIONAL {?edition ?has ?printStmt . ?printStmt ps:P32 ?printer ; pq:P31 ?printDate }.
  BIND(IRI(CONCAT('', REPLACE( str(?edition) , 'http://wikibase.svc/entity/', '' ))) AS ?link )
group by ?editionLabel ?link

Try it out!