Sample queries
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Until we can update the Query Service to include our own sample queries, let's list those here...
Instance count
To get an overview of what's in the BBP, the following query will return a count of all of the different instances, such as works, people, and places.
SELECT ?typeLabel (count(distinct ?x) as ?count) WHERE { ?x wdt:P8 ?type . ?type rdfs:label ?typeLabel. FILTER((LANG(?typeLabel)) = "en") } group by ?type ?typeLabel order by desc(?count)
Map the birth places for everyone listed in the BBP, using coordinate data from Wikidata
PREFIX wd_1: <> PREFIX wdt_1: <> SELECT distinct ?person ?personLabel ?pob ?pobLabel ?coords WITH { SELECT ?person WHERE { ?item wdt:P8 wd:Q3 . ?item wdt:P107 ?wid . BIND(IRI(CONCAT('', ?wid)) AS ?person ) } } AS %people WHERE { include %people SERVICE <> { ?person wdt_1:P19 ?pob . ?pob wdt_1:P625 ?coords . ?person rdfs:label ?personLabel . FILTER((LANG(?personLabel)) = "en") ?pob rdfs:label ?pobLabel . FILTER((LANG(?pobLabel)) = "en") } }
Inscription Overview
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?inscriptionNote ?addresseeLabel ?formerOwnerLabel WHERE { ?item wdt:P52 ?inscriptionNote . ?item ?x ?statement . ?statement ps:P52 ?inscriptionNote ; pq:P53 ?addressee . OPTIONAL {?statement pq:P54 ?formerOwner} SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". } } ORDER by ?recipient